Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hey Renters: Easy, low-cost methods can save you money and help the environment. That’s green.

Right. You want to do your part to be green as well as save money in the process. Should you make improvements while living in an apartment that you don’t own? Will any improvements or strategies really lower your costs and energy use?
  1. Green methods will save you money (and energy).
  2. Being green is about making small choices throughout each day; something that you can definitely kick-start while you are renting. 
  3. Green-conscience tenants can lead the rental housing market to change.
We made the Renter’s Tips page to illustrate that there are several strategies you can do yourself to lessen your environmental impact and save money. The goal is to green your space to benefit you. Below are a few general examples of low to no-cost methods that can follow you to your next apartment or stay for the next tenant.
  • Replace any incandescent bulbs with low energy-use CFLs.
  • Turn down your thermostat at nights and when away at work.
  • Replace faucet aerators and showerheads with low-flow products.
  • Sealing air leaks around windows and doors is an easy, low-cost energy efficient improvement that will decrease your heating and cooling demands. 
  • Unplug unused appliances and get a Smart power strip.
Once you’ve made your apartment less energy and water intensive, you can begin to think about possible improvements that could be applied to your rental building. Owners may be more open to maintenance upgrades when they can visualize the savings. Be creative in assessing the green potentials in your apartment that will require owner approval. Some examples are:
  • If your apartment windows are Southern facing and very hot in the summer - ask for a shade tree to be planted and ceiling fan instead of a room air conditioner.
  • Suggest removing a portion of grass lawn to install vegetable beds for tenant use. This can reduce their maintenance and watering requirements and provide an “outdoor living” space for tenants. 
  • Newer energy efficient washers and dryers in the laundry will generate more frequent use than older inefficient models. This provides you with a higher quality laundry facility and more income for the owners. 
  • Occupancy sensors in hallways and laundry rooms are convenient for you when your hands are full and ensure that the lights are only on when someone is present. In addition, this improvement will reduce the owners electricity bills.
RENT IT GREEN believes that renters are the group that will drive the transition to green rental housing. As knowledge and expectations of green applications becomes more common, tenants will be more particular in noting green attributes during their apartment searches. In turn, owners and managers will be wise to look to green tenants to fill their vacancies.

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