Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Green Applications are Working

A recent article in the Green Economy Post by Richard Matthews sites a report and survey conducted by McGraw-Hill Construction and CB Richard Ellis. They surveyed commercial building owners about their use and effectiveness of green applications. An excerpt from the article says:
"A survey of building owners indicated that green projects reduce operating costs (13.6% on average for new buildings and 8.5% for retrofits), increase building values (10.9% for new buildings and 6.8% for retrofits) and increase their return on investment (9.9% for new buildings and 19.2% for retrofits.)"
Clearly, the similarity between commercial property space and residential rental property is an indicator of the success rental property owners can achieve with green applications. Just as commercial tenants are demanding more green amenities from commercial building owners, residential tenants will demand more from their living space. Energy saving (green) and sustainable options can reduce expenses and increase net income.

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